Consumers’ Willingness to Use PayLater by Integrating TRA and TAM Theories


  • Gerald Author UMN Author


The willingness to adopt or utilize the PayLater facility as a tool to make cashless transactions as often as possible is still rare. Therefore, to fill this gap, this study tries to integrate the concepts of TRA and TAM to examine the factors that influence the desire of Indonesian consumers to adopt or use PayLater as their main facility (and choice) for purchasing various goods and transaction activities. All participants in this research are Indonesian consumers who have made at least five cashless payments using the PayLater feature as their primary method over the course of the past six months. The information is gathered using a Google Forms-based web survey. This study created a questionnaire and received a total of 178 completed questionnaires. After further review, it was determined that all the data could be used in this research. Purposive sampling was the non-probability sampling technique used in this study to ensure that every respondent met the requirements or specific criteria outlined in this research. Additionally, the data was processed using PLS by analyzing all the information gathered from all the respondents. It is discovered that the four factors—attitudes, subjective norms, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use—have a significant impact on determining or altering Indonesian consumers’ desire to use PayLater facilities to carry out payment activities for all types of transactions made by the consumer. By verifying the influence of attitude, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on the desire to use PayLater—which most prior studies have rarely demonstrated—the study adds value to the body of literature on consumer behavior.


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